

Sylvie, 43

"(*) Chiropractic care has now been a part of my life for over ten years. I have finally found relief for my chronic problems. My migraines have significantly decreased and my quality of life is much better. Last fall I experienced acute problems related to my working posture which eventually led me to schedule a consultation at OrthoChiro during the winter of the same year. I was very discouraged, because I thought that 43 years old was a very young age to have to start limiting my physical activities. I was used to dancing, hiking and skiing and had the impression that I would never get my life back. After only two months of treatment, I got it back. Plus, thanks to postural correction, I hope to remedy several other chronic problems. I have recovered my physical abilities. I am dancing again and I go to the gym and out hiking."

Élizabeth, 35

"(*) After the birth of my first child, I suffered from recurrent lumbar pain, so when I had my second pregnancy, I decided to turn to chiropractic care. Dr. Authier has been following me since my first quarter, and thanks to her judicious advice, my pregnancy is going marvellously well."

Helen, 25

"(*) At first, I was only interested in consulting a chiropractor to relieve my back pain and improve my posture. So I was suprised when treatment also cured my headaches. I very much appreciate the health-related advice I get and the relaxing atmosphere at each session I undergo. I see improvements in my general quality of life and I highly recommend the clinic's services."

Emily, 55

«(*) Thanks to Dr. Marcotte and the SpineCor® brace, I’m happy that my back looks good now after one year of using the SpineCor® brace from Posturetek, I feel so confident. And most important of all, the severe back pain I had before became less so I can have a good night of sleep now. »

Sophie, 50

«(*) Dre Janelle Authier a littéralement changé ma vie et … ma posture. Ce que j’étais il y a deux ans n’est aucunement comparable avec ce que je suis devenue aujourd’hui grâce aux traitements chiropratiques. De courbée aux épaules vers l’avant, ma posture est maintenant redressée. Il ne me reste plus qu’à maintenir les bienfaits! »

Éric, 39

«(*) Depuis environ 10 ans, j’avais des crises de douleur et une peur très forte de me faire mal. Je prenais régulièrement des rendez-vous en ostéopathie pendant 4 ans mais cela ne m’aidait que moyennement. En entrant chez OrthoChiro, j’ai tout de suite trouvé une aide qui m’a redonné espoir. Depuis maintenant 2 ans, j’ai regagné confiance en moi et ma peur commence peu à peu à disparaitre. Une chiropraticienne gentille et professionnelle au sein d’une clinique humaine et joyeuse! Merci infiniment! »

Julie, 21

«(*) Je ne pouvais jamais imaginer à quel point avoir une bonne posture pouvait avoir un impact si important sur ma santé et mon humeur. Avoir le cou penché en avant et les épaules courbées augmentaient mes maux de tête et diminuaient ma concentration. J'avais aussi tendance à mettre plus de poids sur une jambe que l'autre. J'ai attendu des années avant de réaliser que toutes ces conditions physiques étaient liées à ma posture. Jusqu'au jour où une collègue d'université m'a fait une remarque sur mon cou et mon dos, ce qui m'a alors convaincue d'aller voir une chiropraticienne. N'attendez donc pas que votre entourage vous le dise pour consulter. Faites-le pour vous, c'est le plus beau cadeau que vous pouvez vous faire pour votre présent et votre avenir.  »

JOSIANNE & KARL, 38 & 39

«(*) Merci à toute l’équipe d'OrthoChiro qui, depuis des années, met à profit sa passion et son expertise en prodiguant des soins personnalisés qui contribuent au maintien de la santé globale de chaque membre de notre famille. Nous sommes grandement reconnaissants de l’apport des soins chiropratiques à notre qualité de vie et n’hésitons jamais à recommander la clinique à notre entourage, simplement parce qu’on s’y sent en confiance et qu’on en sort toujours avec le sourire!  »


"(*) I have been receiving chiropractic care since 2007. When treatment first began, I was walking like an old man and my head felt very heavy. To make a long story short, I had an accident in 1998: a barrel fell 8 feet onto my neck. Six months after the accident, I had an operation to my left knee and a second one six months later to have my meniscus removed. Another six months later, I had an operation for three hernias. The doctor managed to remove two, but the third was too close to the bone marrow. I had a cervical bone graft and four discs fused. I was paralysed on my left side to the tips of my fingers and couldn't even lift a Styrofoam cup. On top of that, I was unable to sleep in a bed, so for a year I slept in a Lazy-Boy. Needless to say, I was taking a lot of medication. Mostly for headaches, which I suffered from constantly for almost four years. I used to work in a metal shop, but of course had to take a leave of absence and after everything that happened to me, I told myself that when I went back to work, it would be a job with a suit. And after struggling through a month of training, I started a new job as a security officer. Following this, I discovered OrthoChiro. I went for a physical assessment and started treatment thereafter. In the beginning, Dr. Marcotte saw me 3 times a week, then our sessions gradually became more spaced apart and I now see her once a month. I worked very hard, did my exercises at home and followed all of Dr. Marcotte's advice. I feel much younger now and even look it, which is somewhat flattering. I will be taking my retirement soon, but have been thinking that I might work just a little while longer, because I'm still healthy!"


«(*) Waow! Quel bonheur d’avoir rencontré Dre Janelle Authier! Tout un changement dans ma vie et surtout à un moment si important et précieux de ma vie, une grossesse! Merci de tout cœur de tant me soulager de mes douleurs et de me rendre cette grossesse plus facile à vivre! »

TA, 48

«(*) Ce n’est que la deuxième fois que je viens à la clinique mais j’y reçois toujours un accueil chaleureux aussi bien de la part des assistants que de la chiropraticienne Dre Janelle Authier. Et ce, depuis le téléphone, dès le premier contact. Du professionnalisme à tous les niveaux dans un cabinet médical accueillant et convivial. Des soins délicats dans un environnement très agréable. »


"(*) Hi, I am writing you this note to tell you how much I appreciate your clinic and the SpineCor® brace. I would like to thank you for significantly helping me with my kyphosis. Thanks to the SpineCor® brace, my posture is much straighter and I can move more easily. I am also happy to know that even though I am 16 years old and my years of physical growth will soon be over, the brace can still go on helping me. I like the brace because it is easy to wear and easy to take off. Plus, when I take it off to shower or during the prescribed breaks, I no longer feel myself slouching and my posture remains straight as though I were still wearing it. I also really like the service at the clinic, they're great! The staff is friendly, warm and the ambiance is perfect. I recommend the SpineCor® brace for people who, like me suffer from kyphosis, because it has really helped me a lot and it could do the same for you. Consult with the doctors at this clinic if you suffer from the same spinal deformity as me, even if you are older or your deformity is more severe. Better late than never. Thank you very much."


"(*) When learnt that I was pregnant, I didn't hesitate to pursue my regular sessions with my chiropractor. I consider chiropractic care a safe, natural method of treatment for alleviating pain and discomfort related to important physical and hormonal changes experienced throughout pregnancy. It does me a world of good and I recommend it for all mothers to be."


"(*) I have received chiropractic care from Dr. Janelle Authier for 11 months now. In the beginning, my spine was S-shaped, I had a lot of pain in my knees and walking for long periods was difficult (I could walk for 30 minutes, tops). My treatment involved chiropractic adjustments, x-rays and an exercise program, which I followed at home. Treatment doesn't place undue pressure on the body, so therefore is painless. My body's particular sensitivity is respected, a treatment philosophy which I entirely agree with and that is in line with my values. My flexibility has increased and the cumulative effect of treatment is restoring my spine's natural curvature. I am really happy to have placed my trust in Dr. Authier and to have allowed her to treat me. Her professionalism and strong knowledge have contributed to improving my quality of life. I'd like to add that I am 58 and that even at my age, it is possible to reverse the process of degradation and recover a normal stance and postural balance. Treatment has allowed me to escape the pain which had been steadily spreading and was becoming a permanent part of my life. My greatest joy is knowing that it is lengthening my active life—something which I deeply appreciate. All my gratitude."


«(*) Janelle, notre rencontre s’est faite d’une façon inattendue… Incroyable mais vrai! Je considère l’imprévu comme une chance de bénéficier de vos soins et de vos conseils. Et ce n’est que le début de l’aventure! L’issue, c’est l’avenir qui nous la dira! Mais je n’ai aucun doute parce que je sais que je suis entre de bonnes mains et dans un service toujours dans le respect et la bonne humeur. Merci à vous et à votre équipe! »


«(*) Professionnels, accueillants et dynamiques! Avant les traitements de Dre Janelle Authier, je ne pouvais pas dormir à cause de douleurs insupportables au dos. J’ai tenté avec une diététicienne pour essayer de perdre du poids mais ce n’était pas possible pour moi. Grâce au Dre Janelle Authier, je peux finalement dormir et cela a changé ma vie! »